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On this page you can find publications from the Institute.

Publications regarding the ACCEPT Router Infrastructure

In 2023 the Institute was awarded a contract from the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement for the further development and roll-out of the international router infrastructure (ACCEPT Router Infrastructure). On this page you will find the publications from this project, from Q4 2023 onwards.

Publications regarding the EU funded project The European Travellers Club

In 2015 the Institute successfully applied for funding from the European Union as part of the Horizon 2020 Transport Programme and has been awarded a grant for the project "The European Travellers Club” (see also www.europeantravellersclub.eu). In 2019 the project was finalised.

We have provided - for you to download - the relevant deliverables below. Should you have any questions or interest in other deliverables please contact us via info@acceptinstitute.eu.

Overview deliverables

1. Deliverables Projectmanagement, Program Office & Reporting

D1.3: Final report 

D1.4: Close-out report

2. Deliverable Quality Assurance

D2.3: Test report

3. Deliverables Set Up ETC Governance and Franchise Network & Knowledge Sharing

D3.1: Statutes 

D3.2: Ecosystem ABT – The Business Canvas 

D3.3: Franchise Framework 

D3.4: ETC Business Plan 

D3.5: Business Case ABT 

D3.6: Franchise Contracts

4. Deliverables Define & Plan for Traveller in control privacy solutions

D4.1: Privacy Reference Design 

D4.2 / D4.3: Smart Privacy Requirements / Audit Procedures

5. Deliverable Expand Travel Lab & Develop Use Cases

D5.3: Showcase Lab

6. Deliverables Define and Develop Authorisation & Routing Hub & Token Management

D6.1: Hub Design 

D6.2: Travel Scheme Hub 

D6.3: Interoperability Hub 

D6.5: Open Standards & Requirements

7. Deliverables Define and Develop Interoperable ID-Layer

D7.1: Interface Specification Document 

D7.5: Test Report GST 

D7.6: Low-cost Implementation Strategy

8. Deliverables Define and Demonstrate Interoperable Account Systems

D8.1: Functional Specifications Interoperable Account System 

D8.2: Demo-system Interoperable Account System 

D8.3: Open standards & Requirements for IAS

9. Deliverables Define and Demonstrate Interoperable Traveller Interface

D9.1: Funct. Specifications Interoperable Travellers Interface 

D9.2: Demo-system ITI 

D9.3: Open Standards & requirements

10. Deliverable Set Up Pilots

D10.2: Project Plan Pilots

11. Deliverables Dutch Pilot

D11.1: ABT systems & equipment

D11.2: Mobile Travel app

D11.3: Acceptance of the Dutch Account in Germany

D11.4: Acceptance of the German Account in The Netherlands

D11.5: Introduction of GST

12. Deliverables German Pilot

D12.1: Mobility Info

D12.2: Reservation & Ticketing Platform

D12.3: Fare Medium

D12.4: ABT equipment adaption

D12.5: Pilot

D12.6: Standards & Requirements for Germany

13. Deliverables Luxembourg Pilot

D13.1: Pilot Luxembourg

D13.2: Pilot Report Luxembourg

14. Deliverables Evaluate pilots

D14.2: End-to-End Test Report

D14.3: Pilot Report

This project has received funding from 
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 
research and innovation programme 
under grant agreement No. 636126.